Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It's Tuesday night.
This means:
1) Whiskey Dix Patio
2) The Hot Dog Cart outside of Dix
3) It took me the usual 25 mins of looking for a parking spot.

I gave my hot dog money (which was my dinner money, btw) to a middle-aged man on the street. He was an honest-looking man, who said, "It can't hurt to ask, I'm not looking for a cup of coffee, or gas money, and my mother isn't sick or dying in the hospital... I've only got a dollar on me, and I need another $1.95 so I can grab a king-can." I like him.

The downside is that I'm really hungry and don't have any change left, and also I'm not in the mood to break a $20 bill on a hot dog. The upside is that I saw some guy turn off Main onto McDermot (ie: driving the wrong way down the street), to get into the parking lot next to my building. The police saw this, and followed with flashing lights.


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